Give yourself permission to feel a bit sh$*t

You are allowed to be a scared, or worried, or fearful for the future. This is a perfectly normal human reaction to any adversity. When you are actively building up resilience, the strength comes from working through the negative feelings. Acknowledging that they are there. Then taking proactive measures to change them. What you don’t …

How changing the way you perceive social media will give you greater control over its effect on your emotional wellbeing

I am a staunch fan of social media, but I believe that you should be in control of it, rather than the other way around. Like all aspects of our emotional wellbeing, if we run scared of every possible ‘trigger’ and anxiety inducing aspect of our life, and the world we live in, then we …

Cultivating a ‘Stress is Good’ Mindset

“Feeling burdened rather than uplifted by everyday duties is more a mindset than a measure of what is going on in your life.” Kelly McGonigal – The Upside of Stress Daily hassles are a fact of life. You cannot exist in this world without having to deal with banks, bureaucracy, relationships, paying bills, other people, …

7 Steps to Being a Victor in Life (as opposed to a victim)

Embrace responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions. Own them. This opens up opportunities for changing and improving them. Blaming others and seeking fault may feel like it’ll take the pressure off you. But actually, it just adds to it. Taking responsibility means you can move forwards, rather than getting stuck in the past. …

THE LIBERATING EFFECTS OF RESPONSIBILITY – OR… take ownership and live your life regardless

“No one is coming to save me; no one is coming to make life right for me; no one is coming to solve my problems. If I don’t do something, nothing is going to get better.” The Six Pillars of Self Esteem,Nathaniel Branden How often have we seen images of defenceless baby birds waiting, their …

Using Posture to Reinvigorate Positive Wellbeing

“Never bend your head. Always hold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.” Helen Keller (deaf and blind disability rights activist) When I was a kid, my mother nagged me incessantly about my posture. Stop slouching Kate, put your shoulders back and stand tall. Be proud of who you are!!” Your ‘demeanour’ is …

This is the MOST Powerful Lesson You Can Learn About Stress

Take a moment to just stop and be aware of your physical sensations in this moment. Think about your jaw – are you gritting your teeth as you read this, are your shoulders hunched up and tense? Have you had any unexplained aches and pains recently, that seem to have no reason behind them? Do …